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Missing and Exploited Children Training Conference (MECC): MECC is a leading conference on addressing missing and exploited children in Canada

The MECC is no longer being held.

For training that can be done from your desk — for free — check out our Expert Video Series, featuring several past MECC speakers.

The Expert Video Series has been created for those professionals working with children who have experienced sexual abuse or online exploitation; those requesting to take this training must be actively working in this capacity. Specialized series have been created for law enforcement, child welfare, crown attorneys, medical and mental health professionals, and educators.

The videos include a panel of experts speaking on issues related to:

  • Child sexual offending
  • Child sexual abuse material
  • Disclosure and discovery of abuse
  • Impacts of child sexual abuse

Experts include: Dr. Sharon Cooper, Dr. Michael Salter, Dr. Michael Bourke, Dr. Joyanna Silberg, Dr. Peter Collins, Dr. Åsa Kastbom, and James Marsh.

For more information or to find out how to access the Expert Video Series, go here.

If you deferred your registration payment for MECC 2020, please contact us at

Supported by

Endorsed in 2020

Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Canadian Association
of Chiefs of Police

MECC Updates

Sign up to receive information about the upcoming MECC. You will receive updates approximately once per month leading up to the conference.

Emails about the Missing & Exploited Children Training Conference (MECC) are sent by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection Inc., 615 Academy Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3N 0E7, 1 (800) 532-9135. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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