Get Involved: Demand Change
Children need to be protected online, too
Right now, social media platforms provide those who are seeking to harm children with direct and unsupervised access to our kids 24–7, and the risk of harm is rising. witnessed a 27% increase in reports of online sexual exploitation1 last year. Unlike offline, where governments have rules and regulations for companies and spaces that serve children, online guardrails simply do not exist. The responsibility and blame has entirely — and unfairly — been placed on parents.
Children now have devices wherever they go, making it impossible for parents to oversee all of their child’s online activity. Canada urgently needs legislation that protects children online like we protect them offline.
How you can help
Tell your MP this is important to you
Write, call, or email your Member of Parliament and let them know why you think it is critical that the government regulate online companies — the same as other industries are — to protect children.
Here are some key points to help:
- Children are at risk every day. In the last two years,, Canada’s tipline for reporting the online sexual exploitation of children, has received nearly 7,000 reports alone from youth being sexually extorted, mainly through Instagram and Snapchat. This issue is of epidemic proportion with a number of youths also dying by suicide as a result of the torment they faced by online predators.
Canada currently lacks regulations for tech companies who control the platform where our children and youth spend a significant
amount of their time.
- I believe all children should be protected online as they are offline.
- The explosion of child sexual abuse material is incomprehensible. Project Arachnid often issues more than 20,000 removal requests involving this material in a day to service providers around the world.
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Canada is one of the safest places in the world for children. Unless they’re online. Learn
more about the victimization children face online here:
- 1 January 2022 – December 2022 vs. January 2023 – December 2023 ↩