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Search for: parenting teens and tweens

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Alert for Parents: Sextortionists Targeting Teens

Alert for Parents: Sextortionists Targeting Teens receiving a concerning increase in reports from teens sharing sexual images/videos and then extorted for money September 4, 2014 For Immediate Release WINNIPEG, MB: The Canadian Centre for Child Protection is warning parents about an increasing and serious trend involving Canadian youth being extorted for money.

What Can Parents do to Protect Teens Online?

What Can Parents do to Protect Teens Online?

The Risks of Tweens Going Live

The offender also directed the tween to use a mobile device they could hide from their parents.

Order Materials: Parent Brochures

Parent Brochures Parenting in the Online World $0.00 Free Shipping Download PDF Commit to Kids Guide for Parents Brochure $0.00 Free Shipping Download PDF Safeguarding Your Child $0.00 Free Shipping Download PDF Protecting Your Child $0.00 Digital Resource Download PDF Understanding Child Sexual Abuse $0.00 Free Shipping Download PDF Online Child Sexual Victimization: Picking up the Pieces $0.00 Free Shipping Download PDF Child Sexual Abuse: Picking up the Pieces $0.00 Free Shipping Download PDF A Resource Guide for Families: Addressing Self/Peer Exploitation (2nd Ed.) $0.00 Digital Resource Download PDF

Keeping Canadian Teens Safe in their Digital World

Keeping Canadian Teens Safe in their Digital World Safer Internet Day resources to help parents discuss online safety February 9, 2016 For Immediate Release WINNIPEG, MB: Sexting, sextortion, luring and cyberbullying – as teens’ off and online worlds are now seamlessly interwoven, many are confronted with these very complex situations.

Programs & Initiatives: is a one-stop website where parents/guardians of kids, tweens, and teens can get free cyber safety information from internet safety and childhood education professionals.

Resources & Research: Taking Action

., you know the child’s parents), you should still report to the organization and also report your concerns to the child’s parents.

Keeping Kids Safe Everyday

With online luring, sextortion, and the sharing of intimate images on the rise, parental supervision and ongoing discussions with children about online safety has never been more essential.

Reducing Cyberbullying and Exploitation among Teens in Canada

Reducing Cyberbullying and Exploitation among Teens in Canada Mrs.

Dangerous Reality: What parents need to know about the metaverse

Dangerous Reality: What parents need to know about the metaverse March 3, 2022 For Immediate Release Winnipeg, Canada —, Canada’s tipline for reporting online child sexual abuse and exploitation, is urging parents to be aware of the metaverse and the emerging risks that may come along with children and teens being in the largely unrestricted virtual space.

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