Search for: parenting teens and tweens
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Canadian Centre for Child Protection reminds parents about 5 Safety Habits for summer
Canadian Centre for Child Protection reminds parents about 5 Safety Habits for summer June 25, 2015 For Immediate Release Children and teens across Canada are getting ready to leave school behind for the adventures of summer holidays.
Alert for Parents of Teenagers: New Tactic Being Used to Extort Sexual Images/Videos and Money
Alert for Parents of Teenagers: New Tactic Being Used to Extort Sexual Images/Videos and Money May 27, 2015 For Immediate Release WINNIPEG, MB: The Canadian Centre for Child Protection, through its program, is warning parents of teenagers about a new tactic being used by those extorting youth online for sexual images/videos and money.
Resources for Families
Addressing Victimization Understanding Child Sexual Abuse For protective parents/guardians where child sexual abuse has been discovered or is suspected.
Order Materials: Zoe & Molly Online: If Asked to Share and Your Parents Aren't Aware, Say No Video Read-Along Comic Book
Zoe & Molly Online: If Asked to Share and Your Parents Aren't Aware, Say No Video Read-Along Comic Book French version Watch video The Zoe & Molly Online: If Asked to Share and Your Parents Aren’t Aware, Say No video read-along comic book reinforces one of the 7 Root Safety Strategies, "If asked to share and your parents aren’t aware, say NO.”
Get Involved: Add Our Programs and Services to Your Website
URL: Download helps teens stop the spread of sexual pictures or videos and provides support along the way.
Programs & Initiatives: Self/Peer Exploitation
Self/Peer Exploitation The Self/Peer Exploitation Guide helps educators and parents respond to incidents of self/peer exploitation, better known as sexting.
Order Materials: It is a Big Deal Activity Book Grades 9-12
It is a Big Deal Activity Book Grades 9-12 Download free PDF French version This activity book teaches teens the difference between healthy and unhealthy dating relationships, including the issue of sexual consent.
Helping to Better Protect Youth Online
On February 10, 2015, International Safer Internet Day, the Canadian Centre for Child Protection is highlighting new educational properties that address emerging issues facing youth and encouraging parents and teachers to visit to access important safety resources that reduce child victimization online.
Help keep youth and children safe from online sexual exploitation
Recently, analysts saw a concerning rise in reports about sextortion - adults posing as teens and secretly recording teens exposing themselves on live video chat and then threatening to share the content online if the teens did not pay them money.
Youth a Target of Sextortion
“While we recognize that live video streaming is a part of how teens build and foster relationships, we know that to reduce the number of youth being extorted, parents must have open dialogue about how offenders are also using this method to manipulate and harm young people.”